phoenix flames sacred sounds gong baths sound workshops

Gongs and Sound

Welcome to the water element and all things that flow and move.  Now for the questioning mind one might say hmmm isn’t Gongs more the Spirit element, does it not incorporate all the elements, and you’d be correct.  However, from my personal experience and the journey I have had with the Gongs since they first entered my life in 2003, it has been one of flow and acceptance, just as a river meanders and changes over time, allowing the ebb and flow or creation and nature, so too do the Gongs.

This page will link to the Sacred Sounds web site where you can find out all about the upcoming events and also some of the work that is done in the community with the Gongs, Karaoke and all things sound related up here in Northampton.  It is also where you will be able to book and pay for the events that we host.

But let me first give you an overview of the Gongs and the work that I am humbled to do with them.

Gongs and Sound

Welcome to the water element and all things that flow and move.  Now for the questioning mind one might say hmmm isn’t Gongs more the Spirit element, does it not incorporate all the elements, and you’d be correct.  However, from my personal experience and the journey I have had with the Gongs since they first entered my life in 2003, it has been one of flow and acceptance, just as a river meanders and changes over time, allowing the ebb and flow or creation and nature, so too do the Gongs.

This page will link to the Sacred Sounds web site where you can find out all about the upcoming events and also some of the work that is done in the community with the Gongs, Karaoke and all things sound related up here in Northampton.  It is also where you will be able to book and pay for the events that we host.

But let me first give you an overview of the Gongs and the work that I am humbled to do with them.

phoenix flames sacred sounds gong baths sound workshops

Gong Baths

I have been involved with the Gongs and teaching others to use it since 2003, in that time I have co-facilitated the International Gong Master training for several years with my teacher and old friend Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux, facilitated retreats around the world and today teach the sound module for the Integrated Healing Diploma course at the College of Psychic Studies in London along with the Master Classes in sound that run throughout the year.

Olaf Nixon Phoenix Flames gong baths sacred sounds

I have given talks and workshops to health professionals, individuals suffering from strokes, Huntingdon’s disease and regularly work with learning difficulties, additional needs and mental health concerns in the community.

The Gongs and the other instruments that I use have the ability to create exponential shifts in consciousness and healing.  It was re-introduced as a healing tool by Yogi Bajan in the early 70s and then my teacher and the one who is now considered the grand father of the Gongs Don Conreaux, saw the potential of the instrument and has since made it his life’s path to share the teachings of the Gongs and his vast knowledge for the benefit of the world.

The path of a Gong master is long and playing the Gongs is just one small element on the journey, there are countless other instruments that will be learnt over time, divination, colour correlations, geomancy and sacred stone circle creation, to name just a few and let’s not forget a Gong Master must also then teach teachers to teach teachers.

We are always learning as we travel and today I am combining the ancient art Feng Shui in my Gong Baths and workshops to facilitate quantum healing shifts.

I hope you enjoy looking around and if you would like me to come and host a Gong event or talk near you, then please do get in touch.

Have Gong will travel 😊

Blessings be to all and may the light of love shine on you always.

Gong Bath Dates


Monthly Gong Baths are held at the Om Studio in Northampton, running from 6:45pm – 8:30 pm and cost £17.

2021 Dates

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Going Beyond the Gong Field

A 4-hour immersion to go beyond and explore what lies beneath the surface of your intentions.

Start time 11:00am – 3:00pm – Exchange £40

For further information please see the events page

College of Psychic Studies – London